What if I started a blog?  I could share my thoughts about life…  music, energy, love, finding love in a tumultuous world, change, healing, growing, humanity.  I could write about my journey, and help focus my energy on growing, awareness, peace, happiness.

Ultimately I hope to inspire people to live authentically and genuinely.  Question everything, appreciate all the good. Inspire community, sharing, neighbors.  Less commercialism, no tv, more music, buying locally, and buying second hand.

And definitely love.  Our journey as one humanity could be completely filled with wonder, curiosity, and love.  I want to feel it, be it, radiate it, grow with it… love.

This was my first ever blog post, created in 2012.  I started journaling about my life after divorce, finding new meaning, living  authentically, during my hero’s journey crash into the abyss, and my spiritual awakening adventures.   I have kept my writing (and my self) secret all these years. It seems more appropriate than ever now, in these times, that we have a space to share our humanity and our vulnerabilites with each other, so we can connect and support each other as humans.