An adventure today, including a total of 16 hours on the road. Many stops, in three different states.  Saw such beautiful places in Yellowstone, recorded short videos of the waterfalls. Ultimately we are tired of being in the car with each other, and are happy to find a historic hotel to sleep in, in WY.  

Two of us decided, however, to get back in the car and drive out of town to see the stars, out in the country.

Oh my.  Words cannot describe!!  I am moved to tears, I had to lean against the car, mouth agape, to take in the vastness, the magnitude of so many stars!  The whole day was worth it, for just a few moments of this connection, meaning, cosmic significance (and insignificance) at the same time.

My soul and spirit and heart NEED this.  We all need the freedom to be in nature.  I desire to manifest this! 

And so it is.